I've heard that lots of Indians are successful and don't deal with that much or if ever little racism is it true or not ?
Thanx.Is it true that east indians (India) in the US are equal with white people ?
the truth is everyone in America is equal with white people. If you really look at the facts minorities keep themselves down. There are men and women of all races in most key positions in America and if everyone would stop fighting and blaming they would be able to succeed. I am not saying that racism doesn't exist, but racism is ignorance and most ignorant people that are racist are not in positions that really matter as far as career advancement goes. I know many Indians who are doctors and nurses here and are very successful. I also know many black people and oriental people and other races of both sexes that are doctors and nurses and very successful. I think laziness is one of the biggest opponents to success. In this society people want everything given to them and it weighs them down. Social programs are the biggest component of laziness. Some people do need help at times, but a lot of the people who get money from these programs for doing nothing don't want to have to do something to get off the programs and why should they. Work hard and do a good job and you have all of my respect and anything I can do to help you succeed I am happy to do as long as you continue working hard.Is it true that east indians (India) in the US are equal with white people ?
Many people don't like the fact that jobs are being outsourced to India so that topic may come up a couple times when you are here. Your accent might also be made fun of by some people.
There might also be some stuff that is due to ignorance and not racism and if you come here you should try to tell the difference (some very ignorant people can also be very nice once you get to know them). Enlighten them about your Indian customs and they will thank you for it.
I suggest you move to a city where there are a lot of other Indians so that you won't feel too homesick. New York is a good place. We have a Little India in Queens.
In America there isn't a lot of outright racism because we are very conscious of being politically correct. Most people will not say to your face that they hate Indians(probably because their friends might not hate Indians and racism is a no-no unless you're racist too). They simply won't associate with you. Not everyone will like you. There is so much bumping up against differing customs/peoples that it is easy for people to get tired of it. If you are coming for University you won't have to worry about making friends(non-indian) because college aged kids are normally pretty accepting.
Everyone is equal in the USA, its a free-democratic country (all though it doesn't always act like it...).
It is just hard for immigrants such as Indians that don't speak English to find jobs that's why you see a lot of them stuck in jobs such as cab drivers.
But there are American generations of Indians who have been born and brought up in America therefore they know English and are just as likely to succeed in life as any one else.
It also depends on where in the States you live that effects racism.
Most of the Indians I see/know are hard working, disciplined, educated and successful business owners, doctors or IT specialists.
It's just the truth.
That being said, I don't know about how racism enters into it. I treat them just like anybody else, like the white people I know, like the black, Latino and Asian people I know.
Why would anyone else treat them differently?
No, well it depends just like latinos and indians who have mixes of white in them, if you have white skin, (possibly light eyes) you should not get discriminated or not THAT much of discrimination. But anything other than that such as, tanned skin, etc stereotypical dark person you'll most likely get discriminateed against. Just like blacks, brown/black latinos, asians, natives. Ohh yea try being skinny that will help too
p.s stereotypes are the following;
latinos: illegal immigrants stealing jobs.
blacks: gang members shooting people
orientals: prostitutes doing illegal things too get ahead
indians: terroists no respect for women
white: nazis who make up these stereotypes
You may still encounter racist people. I don't think you could get away from that no matter where you go in the world. But the difference is that in most of the bigger cities in the US racists get no support and are openly criticized, so the racists that are left tend to have to keep their opinions to themselves. Since there is no institutional support for racial bias, I would think you at least have a good shot at being treated well, just don't expect EVERYONE to be nice; there are idiots all over the world, and it's no different in the US..
Yes that is true. Which makes one wonder, if Indians from a backward country like India can come to teh U.S.A and become so sucessfull what is keeping the black farts in the U.S.A down? Why do they always complain about racism and evil whitey? Whites give them first world facilities yet blacks end up as useless farts while Indians who come from a third world nation suceed. What does that say about black people?
not in chicago
Indians, East Asians, African immigrants, and Muslims in America have a higher annual incomes than white Americans.
don't think so. if they were. there wouldn't have the site with this picture.
More equal since whites in the USA get a lot of crap for being white.
Na, but I still have a lot of sex with white women, so I could care less.
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