Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true Japanese and other East Asians think English is cool and use it in ads and websites for looks only?

Are there any other races besides them that have such a liking for the English language?Is it true Japanese and other East Asians think English is cool and use it in ads and websites for looks only?
The answer is a resounding yes.

We don't care whether the ads they make make sense or not. Their only concern is whether their products will sell. Because, as someone has pointed out somewhere before, they are only targeting the Japanese, most of whom don't care about English grammar.

Just as there are now sites titled ';Japangrish,'; etc. that get laughs out of the mangled English we make, there used to be a TV program in Japan showing weird Japanese used in Asian countries for advertising purposes. Examples are: instructions for a supplement sold in an Asian country:「効能書きっ。からだによいっ。便秘向きだ。」 etc., etc.

Just as the Japanese believe using English on products will lead to increased sales, they might have thought using Japanese on their products was very cool...Is it true Japanese and other East Asians think English is cool and use it in ads and websites for looks only?
I don't think English is cool. It's just a simple letters. Latin alphabets are easy letters.

How many times have you been repeating similar qns since a few month before?

oh one more interesting thing. Most Chinese people including Taiwanese who live in the city has English first names, like Christine, Vivian, Tony, Mark, etc. But Japanese people usually don't. Ask the reason in China or Taiwan sections. You'll get why they adopt English names.
i don't think it's not just because Japanese likes English just to make them look cool,they're in business %26amp; there are many foreigners that can't understand nihonggo or kanji so maybe that's one thing they use the international language for..for business in Okinawa..

you'll see lots of english on ads throughout japan.
Is this some kinda joke?

Why English is cool?

We don't give a dammnn about it.

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