Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that Muslims in the middle east kill those that convert from Islam to Christianity?

I heard about it but is it true? Do you people out there agree or disagree with this?Is it true that Muslims in the middle east kill those that convert from Islam to Christianity?
In some places, probably. Under Sharia law converting from Islam to Christianity is apostasy/treason.Is it true that Muslims in the middle east kill those that convert from Islam to Christianity?
In the Middle East? Generalizing much?

VERY few countries do. Most countries don't, the Middle East is going through reformation and many of the countries in the Mid-East today are secular countries.

In example, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Emirates, Bosnia, etc.

Anyways, according to Shariah Law, you make them convert back unless they decide to leave, if they leave then you allow them to and you don't bring harm unto them.
Well, let us speak about islamic view, but not muslim countries, as countries may not apply it.We can say that there are two views, 99% of religious men believe that,he should be killed,1% believe not,and most of the 1% are odds in many things, and generally speaking ,the prophet recommend for people to stay with the majority, so we can say this is the true view of islam.Many times I ask why we kill the ex-muslim?Some say so as not to make a hole in islam through it enter and exit as they like,so may they enter,hypocritically, make a mess, and exit,using the pledge of religion freedom.He said this our religion and if you want to enter it with faith welcome and accept being killed if you reverted,but if you are not accepted that then you are still not convinced with islam which contradicts the goals of islam (complete believe with 100% convince),if you are not ,then islam do not need skeptics.

However if this rule was not applied following the death of the prophet by Abubakr,the second man in islam after the prophet,despite his contradiction to many of the opinions,experts are summated that islam would vanish vanish.(As following the death of the prophet some people reject the third pillar in islam).However I believe they should know this information at the time of entering islam.

By the way among hundreds of millions of people you we find one or two of them.And usually you find an anti-muslim organisation supporting and upgrading them.
I've heard a report here and there (but it was in Afghanistan) like that and among muslim scholars, even American ones, it seems to be the thing to do.

The Qur'an says to leave alone anyone who rejects it or Muhammad, over and over.

Past clergy and kings have changed the religion to trump this, though, co-opting the authority of the Qur'an and Muhammad, while ignoring the actual teachings.
who told you this ?

i am egyptian muslim and my father is a muslim and mother is a christian. we dont have this in egypt and we live with christians for hundreds of years

Islam commands the Muslims to be just with people of other faiths, whether they be Jews, Christians, or pagans. Islam calls us to treat them kindly and try to win their hearts as long as they do not take up arms against us. Allah says: Allah forbids you not with regard to those who neither fight against you for your faith nor drive you out of your homes from dealing kindly and justly with them, for Allah loves those who are just. [Surah al-Mumtahanah: 9-10]

We are ordered to uphold our covenants with the non-Muslims and not betray them or transgress against them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave a stern warning to us against killing a non-Muslim with whom we are at peace. He said: Whoever kills one with whom we have a covenant will not smell the scent of Paradise. [Sahih Muslim]

The faith of a Muslim is not acceptable unless he believes in all of the Prophets who were sent before (peace be upon them all). Allah says: O you who believe! Believe in Allah, His Messenger, the scripture that He revealed to His messenger and the scripture that he revealed before. Whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His Messengers, and the Last Day has gone far astray. [Surah al-Nisa]

That is why Jewish and Christian people have been living with Muslims for hundreds of years in the Middle-east?

There were hypocrites in the time of the Prophet they were Muslim sometimes, and then reverted back, and then came back again, they were not killed.

2:256 THERE SHALL BE no coercion in matters of faith. [249] Distinct has now become the right way from [the way of] error: hence, he who rejects the powers of evil [250] and believes in God has indeed taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way: for God is all-hearing, all-knowing.
Well I heard the same thing but I don't know much about those countries. I've never been to any of those countries so I can only go by what I hear in the news, and see on here. They do seem very strict though but nobody should be killed. Too much killing in the world.

But it has to go through a lengthy professional process. It's not some random killing done by a random person.

Its only applied in countries that implement the Shariah Law

And besides, it's perfectly understandable if you know Islam is the truth.
Yes, it sadly is true.

They also kill those who leave Islam for anything (I left it and became agnostic)

I live in the USA though, the Land of Freedom! =D
Well, apostasy is a capital offense in Islam, but it all depends on if this is enforced or not. Different regimes have different policies.
Yes. Some do it, not all.

All i know is Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iran do it.
It's not allowed in Islam, but they do it anyway. Not all do it.

in those areas mixed their tribal customs with religion
No, I disagree..
I agree with Eric.
yes, its true. sad, isn't it?

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