I, myself, am a south east asian woman and only find caucasian guys attractive because they have almost everything different from me. but at the same time I've been hearing from many friends saying that caucasian guys find south east asian women attractive, so i just want to make sure that what they told me is fair enough to believe.
thanks for your answers!Is it true that Cuacasian men find South East asian women very attractive?
I can't speak for all white guys or generalize all SE Asians, but I find a lot of SE Asian women SO so attractive. SE Asian women I've known have all been lovely and cool. my first crush as a kid was a beautiful Malay girl, a long time before I thought about what race meant. I had a Filipina friend who introduced me to music. I never dated these girls but I am very appreciative of just being able to talk to them and of course, look at their beauty, for a while.
Lots of Thais and Vietnamese are gorgeous, Burmese society goes through such problems but even in news reports you see their people have a classic ideal beauty, like halfway between China and India. I've never really met any Indonesians. I still think Malays are most beautiful. I know it's not nice to play favorites, all races have beauty, but... SE Asians are near #1. However, to seek out women PRIMARILY for their race... bad idea. There are some truly sick Western tourists (straight and gay) who travel all around Asia just to visit the whorehouses where little girls and boys from poor families were ';trafficked'; as their only way to survive. These white people enjoy bragging how many Asians they f***ed and that's not only illegal but racist and disgusting. Maybe some of those ';sex tourists'; are reading this topic? I dunno.
so if someone loves you mostly cause of your race and vice versa with him, I dunno how long that would last. I mean there'd always be another asian or another white you guys could each get attracted to... like replacing a pet with another of the same breed *shudder* but if it goes much deeper than that instant attraction, that could work, especially if both people share the same culture (i.e. Asians and whites both living in a Western culture, or both living in Asia as a real part of whatever locality).
I feel anyway that sex drives can be quite messed up for both men and women, and some people might say it's bad for SE Asians to be more attracted to whites, or for whites to be more attracted to Asians, after all that happened in the past. I think deep down we are partly attracted to the taboo stuff which comes from the whole sad histories of colonialism and slavery BUT at the same time if people see that pure beauty people have and that beauty in DIFFERENCES and say it aloud that is such a good thing, in the old days white people saw the beauty in others but hid it, raped in private but pretended people weren't human and exploited other races. I hope it's ok to be a white Asianphile (hopefully in love w/ more than just the women, and not fearing/exploiting/killing their Asian brothers) as long as you keep it under control so if your right match turns out to be an Asian, you are in love with one beautiful girl, not with a whole constructed race of half the earth's pop. or all SE Asians for that matter- there is a lot of variation among them, just as there is among ';white'; people. and hey, our races are not so different as some! (imagine Japanese with Aussie Aborigines) not ALL white people are tall, have blond hair, blue eyes. I have dark hair %26amp; eyes and so does my family. hmm maybe why I like Asians? I think SE Asian guys are good looking too though I'm straight.
Anyway I'm sure if you are beautiful it's for reasons besides just being a certain race, %26amp; while you might encounter racism and some weirdos, most men would see that. unless you are looking for casual sex partners you don't want anyone who's MAINLY interested in you for your race. I dont think...
ps. why did someone answer something about a Taiwanese woman, that's not ';South East Asia'; at all unless you are talking about a few native Taiwanese aborigines. Taiwanese people are mostly Chinese, they are East Asians, along with Koreans and Japanese. China has wide ethnic variations and there are even darker skinned Japanese but for the most part these groups have lighter skin and their features are not quite like Southeast Asians. Also a lot of Singaporeans are Chinese.
';South East Asians'; usually includes Filipinos (who are a beautiful race of MIXED people- a lot have some Spanish, Irish or white %26amp; black American blood, with different ethnic groups of Philippines plus Chinese, Japanese mix etc.), Vietnamese, Burmese, Thais, Lao and lots of bronze skinned people such as Malays, Indonesians, and depending how you define it, maybe add Tamils, and other Sri Lankans, Indians, Bengalis, Pakistanis (that would be South Asia).Is it true that Cuacasian men find South East asian women very attractive?
The reason why some SE asian women need caucasian men is because they have low self esteem and need something that they perceive will increase their status. The fact is, that S E asias are third world people and thus there are more inclined to be in this category.
But the worst thing about for you is that you will look like a mail order bride or a refugee needing a green card. Many people perceive SE asian women with white men to be like this.
Well, I'm sure some guys do find southeast Asian women attractive while some don't. For the ones who do: 50% are Asianphiles and 50% are gentlemen. For the ones who don't, 50% are not into Asian themselves and 50% are gay guys.
Make sure you get a gentleman.
I say in general, most caucasian men like east asian women. Their are some who don't but the majority do.
My being a caucasian guy find south east asian women very attractive:)
its tru ive seen hella white guys with asians they chooose them i guess cuz you guys are hardworkin have good bodies tiny and different from them i love asian white latin european guys its just my taste
Nice to tell you I am among the many men who find women like you very attractive. Have confidence in your looks and values. Cheers.
Donna R- do you have a link where you got those statistics from? Please post.
Yes there are a lot of nice South East Asian women. But I prefer East Asian women.
I find every women attractive. I mostly like mexican and american girls though.
No, if anything it would be a biased perspective with regard to a racial fetish.
well im mixed asian and i like my white girlfriend more than anything ive been with before i have had it all.... so it probably applies for the opposites...
It depends on the guy.
Not all Caucasian guys are going to like asian women.
yes. all men like the same kind of women.
but they only like south east asian women who look like aishwariya rai
my brother absolutely adores them. He has a taiwanese girlfriend and she's really cute.
Yes I find them great,they make housekeepers and they live on rice.
No, not really.
Unless we just want to have sex with you. We will tell you anything to get you naked.
what a racist!
um no i don't go for the asians
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