Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that East Asian girls do not find Indian (Asian) guys attractive?

I am an Indian (Asian) and I find the East Asian (Korean, Chinese and Japanese) girls very attractive. Somebody recently told me that Asian girls don鈥檛 like Indian guys in general. While there can always be some exceptions, but I am very curious to know if this is, in general, true.

Any honest opinion will be much appreciated.

Is it true that East Asian girls do not find Indian (Asian) guys attractive?
I know plenty of South Asian boys who are dating East Asian girls (although I rarely see it vice versa, wonder why). I'm Indian as well, and find that many of my East Asian friends do end up attracted to my Indian guy friends, so I don't think the problem is attraction. Also, it's difficult to generalize different races in one fell swoop.

However, I guess the biggest reason I feel that it may not happen as often is that both sets of cultures have a more conservative view on interracial dating and marriage, and therefore it is discouraged by the parents. Although that's never really stopped anyone who really liked someone. So I guess just keep your eyes peeled, and good luck! Is it true that East Asian girls do not find Indian (Asian) guys attractive?
Thanks everybody for their answers. It was very helpful and I am convinced that race shouldn't matter that much.

@ Sook K: Although i have counter examples, I believe, in general, there is truth to what you are trying to say, specially in case of Koreans. Thanks so much for your valuable comment

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I don't think It's true, because every girl is different. I reckon some East Asian girls will date Indian guys, while others wouldn't. But if some of them wouldn't date you just because of where you're from then that's just pathetic as the race doesn't matter. So from my opinion I reckon some would and some wouldn't.

Also by the way, I've got a friend that's a mix of Indian and Japanese. ^^
I know for a fact that lots of Korean women would be with an Indian man most likely an Indian-American man though. The requirements? Smart smart smart smart smart. Also, money money money you can bring in the money. Also, very loving loving loving.

It's not true. It's up to the individual girl to decide who they find attractive. There's no rule that says that indian men are generally unattractive to east asian women.
Because of colour. They have image that most indian are black and poor in general
To the two individuals above. Are you crazy. Koreans don't like Indians. I can attest to that. Korean girls like Korean boys. Are you insulting us by saying that we may have an interest in Indians. Maybe some of the girls who don't get any attention from Korean boys may stray, however, the day she sees interest from a Korean boy will be the day your heart breaks. Trust me. We Koreans like our own. One step down, however acceptable is Chinese or Japanse. Anything and everything else is like guys invented the cast system. You may think that only certain Indians are untouchable. We cannot decern the difference and consider all Indians untouchable.

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