Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that East Asians are harassed in Europe?

I mean, not like sexually harassed, but my girlfriend told me that she is afraid to travel backpacking in Europe because Europeans are more eager to take advantage from East Asians than from other races, like they think they are easier prays. She is Chinese and I am westerner and I have never had any trouble over there.Is it true that East Asians are harassed in Europe?
I don't think Asians have more troubles than any other race in Europe. I guess it is like everywhere. There's good and bad places to go but in general, I think Europe is pretty tolerant, more than the U.S.. I have never heard of my Asian friends complain nor have heard that Asians have it harder. I think your friend shouldn't be afraid, after all she could make bad experiences everywhere she goes because people are just different and some aren't as tolerant/smart as others. Like I said, I know many Chinese and other Asians that live, work and study here, and as far as I know they are pretty content and happy.Is it true that East Asians are harassed in Europe?
I'm East Asian---Filipino to be specific, and I had a great time, even in places where I thought I didn't expect much welcome, like Germany : ) I'm sure she'll enjoy it too!!!
It depends what countries shes goign to in Europe some countries are more accepting than others but they all have their share of racists some less and more than otehrs. I wouldn't neccasarily go to poland, finland, or most slavic countries thats where they can be really racist. Germany has had their share of racism in the past but nowadays they have a big asain community, the UK is pretty good to especailly France and Italy also have big asian communities

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